THE Bathroom Project (to end all projects!)

Our first, & probably largest, project on the chateau is to construct bathrooms. Here is why: the second floor had only 1 toilet closet (yep, that is just a room with a toilet). There was one bedroom with JUST a bathtub & sink as it’s bathroom, one with a shower actually IN the bedroom with a sink, & a third room with a shower that was VERY out of date & only released scalding water. Our vision…4 lovely bedrooms, each with an adjoining bathroom. We wanted them to feel new & modern, but with a vintage touch. The space was tight, but it was there. With the help of our amazing contractors at AFR Amanagement, we now have 4 stunning bathrooms, all different, each with a shower, toilet & sink. Who would have thought!! Here are some pictures to show the lovely work of our great team of Christophe & Vincent.


Le Jardin (The Garden) Post 2