Those Chairs in Storage…
After moving out of a fully furnished 4 bedroom house into a 2 bedroom small apartment, a few things needed to be stored. OK a lot of things, if I’m honest. Most of the things have to do with a garden & now not having one. So, in storage now are these four beautiful wire outside chairs. That said, the cushions for those chairs were pretty worse for the wear. While the chairs are packed away, I’d thrown the cushions in a white baggie & shoved them in the back of my coat closet for a “later” project.
Just a few weeks ago, it was actually “later” on my watch, so out they came. First the old vinyl (a good non permeable fabric for outdoors) came off, rusty staples & all. Then the new vinyl (that I bought on the inter-webs) went on. All in all it should have been an afternoon project, but of course, I needed batting (for a bit of padding) & MORE fabric to finish off the bottoms so they’d be fully sealed from the elements. Of course, the fabric was on back order. The one day project took 10 weeks (the backorder was REALLY a backorder!).
It’s now a project under my belt & I love that when we finally move in somewhere, we’ll be able to just unpack the chairs & table & afix these new cushions & voila…an al fresco place to dine. Until then, you’ll have to use your imagination because the chairs & finished cushions have yet to meet!